Friday 10 February 2012

Winter - Snowing view

Woodland in Lincolnshire

Woodland in Lincolnshire, this is -5 degree celsuis

snowview with the light of sunset

snowview with the light of sunset

The pig is enjoying the snow.

I found this pig farm in Lincolnshire on my work travelling journey.

Sunday 5 February 2012

Winter - Snow in Pleasley

This is my favorite photo shooting in Pleasley. I get myself ready for this shooting when I knew it was heavy snow on 5 Feb 2012.

Freezing in Pleasley
These are Hebridean Sheep used in Winter to clear the coarse grass and scrub to make conditions ideal for wild flowers come springtime
Hebridean Sheep - suppose is black colour sheep but they turn into white after covered with snow

Hebridean Sheeps

Lake in Pleasley Pit - Before and after Snow

Lake in HDR 

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